Writing a Positive Customer Service Review

I’m trying remember to put these out into the world

Vanessa Resler
2 min readOct 6, 2021
Photo by Katya Austin on Unsplash

When it comes to writing reviews or giving feedback to stores and businesses, it’s easy to forget the good experiences and focus on the negative ones. But lately I’ve thought about how giving positive feedback could possibly make someone’s day better or just add a little friendliness to the world.

This weekend I went into a local outdoor outfitter to get some shoes for walking and running. I’ve been dealing with mysterious, intermittent tendonitis foot pain. It’s been annoying and limiting. I keep thinking that the magic pair of shoes will help me get out there on the trails and sidewalks again.

The salesperson in the shoe section, John, knew a lot about shoes. An unusual and notable amount. He knew about the amount of cushioning and the fit of the shoes. If he hadn’t worn the shoe, he knew someone who had. He knew the brands, the styles, the colors, and the attributes. He was also patient, took the time to talk to me and other customers, and didn’t mind letting me try on quite a few different pairs. In the end, he went into the back and brought out a model of shoes that weren’t even displayed on the shelf. They only had one size in stock — my size. I put them on, and they felt right. John reminded me about the generous return policy if I tried the shoes and they didn’t work for me.

When I checked out, I asked the cashier if she was a manager. She said no and asked if I wanted her to get the manager. I said that’s okay — I just wanted to say that John over in shoes had been really helpful and knowledgeable. I wouldn’t have been able to find this pair of shoes without his help. She said that a lot of customers said that about him and she’d share my feedback with the team.

When I got home, I wanted to write a positive note to the store. I searched their website for evidence of a place to give positive feedback. It wasn’t easy to find. I settled on a web question form and picked the category of “Other,” since this wasn’t about a refund or exchange. I wrote a short note about how it will make a difference for me to have a good pair of walking shoes and how John helped me find them.

I got a form email back the next day from the company, thanking me for my note. I don’t know if John and his manager will know that I tried to say thanks, but it felt good to put positivity out there.

